Medical professionals tell us that our friend Mickey is dying. (But he’s not sweating it.)


This podcast is a conversation with Mickey as he candidly shares his journey with surprising positivity, thoughtful insights, and humor.

Our goal is to help Mickey help all of us to learn about living while dying.


Current Episode


Episode 45: Peaceful Feeling

Mickey experiences the death of another close friend, though there’s a different emotional dynamic to the loss that raises new questions and presents a surprising sensation of peace.


About This Podcast

In the spring of 2021, Mickey Weems was given 6 to 12 months left to live. While his diagnosis remains terminal, Mickey is making the most of the time he has, including dancing until dawn most weekends. An avid traveler and fitness devote, Mickey opens up with thought provoking insights and positivity about his journey as he nears the close of extraordinary life.

This podcast, Mickey is Dying, is a series of conversations with Mickey. From great adventures, memories, and physical changes, to exploring philosophy and spirituality from both a personal and scholarly perspective, all topics are on the table. For anyone going through a terminal illness—or for those wanting to understand how to help a loved one or that are trying to navigate a loss—Mickey is Dying is a safe, heartfelt space to explore what is often uncomfortable.

In each episode, Mickey is interviewed by Donna Blanchard, a creative industry professional who holds leadership roles in Hawai‘i’s theatre arts and nonprofit community, and who also has the privilege of calling Mickey a friend. “Since the podcast’s inception, Mickey indicated there will be no-holds-barred in our conversations,” Blanchard says. “We all should live as well as Mickey is dying.”

Our producer is James Charisma. Our content advisor and public relations specialist is Susan Wright. Our intro theme song is “He Lei Aloha No Mī Nei” and has been generously donated by Kainani Kahaunaele.

Please feel free to connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. New episodes are released on this website and on Apple Podcasts.


“I may not be able to go dancing tonight.
Life is tragic.”



Contact Us

To find the full archive of Mickey is Dying episodes, visit Apple Podcasts.
If you’d like to learn more or reach out, please visit our Contact page.
If you’d like to support Mickey (and his awesome upcoming comic book!), please consider making a donation to his GoFundMe page.